If you own a website, then optimising it with the latest SEO trends is important.

SEO Mistakes: Things You Need To Fix Right Now!

If you own a website, then optimising it with the latest SEO trends is important. A website that is not optimised for users and search engines would hamper your growth in the online world. Moreover, it would also have a negative impact on your site’s traffic, ranking, and conversion rate. Making silly SEO mistakes is quite common if you are a beginner. The reason for this is the host of SEO techniques that you need to implement.

For convenient sake, SEO is categorised into two; on-page and off-page. However, in both the category, the list of factors is quite vast. This makes it difficult to know which are important and which have become redundant. It also becomes more challenging when you are not up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in SEO.

If you are struggling with issues such as high bounce rate, lower click-through-rate, among others, then the reasons for these might be the below-mentioned SEO mistakes. Finding and fixing these mistakes is important or else it will hurt your brand’s credibility.

Worse yet, it could get your site penalised by Google. Thus, here is an infographic that highlights the list of SEO mistakes you might be making, which needs to be fixed right now.

Comprising of 20+ SEO mistakes, this infographic will not only help you identify the mistakes but also show you how to fix each of them effectively. By fixing these mistakes, you’d see a steady rise in your site’s ranking, which will help drive more traffic, thereby increasing your sales.

As such, check out this infographic now and fix these mistakes right away. Also, for reference purposes, you can download/print this infographic for free and keep it handy.

25+ Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Website[Infographic] by the team at HostingCluesCommon SEO Mistakes Infogrpahic

About writer

Sudhir Bhushan is a Tech & Social enthusiast. He is also a Web Entrepreneur by Profession and loves to write about the latest trends on Social Media & SEO. You may also follow him on Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest

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