Streetlights Uganda is holding the annual Unseen Me Exhibition themed under “A Mothers Love” on 1st June, 2018.
This is their second exhibition following the launch of the first successful Unseen Me event held in February, 2017 which garnered a lot of attention from Maurice Kirya, Amama Mbabazi, media and several other recognisable names from around Uganda.
This year the event focuses on showcasing the efforts of women especially young mothers from marginalised communities, what they go through while raising their children and how best we can help them overcome such challenges.
As a way of bridging the gap between society and street children as well, the event will highlight the different abilities they have and how communities can get involved with them.
The event will highlight the different abilities street children have and how communities can get involved in bridging the gap between society and street children.
The team is hoping that the proceeds fundraised from this 2nd Edition will go towards their training facility in the Arts Program which aims at helping over 100 street children every year.
Streetlights Uganda’s target is to unearth the potential of over 500 street children in the next 5 years.
The organisation will also unveil some of their projects such as the Ntunga Project that was launched as a pilot programme back in 2017, focused on empowering and reskilling women in poverty stricken areas.

There will be an array of guest artists, fashion designers, visual artists, dialogues and discussions.
“We invite people from all walks of life to come together and appreciate these different talents in addition to learning, networking, having fun and supporting the cause.” – says the Streetlights Uganda Vice President, Rodney Kiggundu.
The event will be held at Makerere Art Gallery (Makerere Institute of Heritage Conservation and Research) for 3 days from 1-3 June, 2018 starting at 5pm to 10pm EAT.
A daily ticket goes for Shs10,000 well as those who wish to purchase the advance ticket for 3-days, they only pay Shs25,000 for the full package.
University students with a valid student ID pay only Shs5000 for a daily ticket or Shs15,000 to access the event for 3-days.
The tickets can be booked by calling +256703652348 or +25675519372 or for those that will not be able to book in time can still get them at the exhibition entrance on 1st June, 2018.
This years’ 2nd Edition of the Unseen Me Exhibition is supported by various partners such as Zimba Women, People Concern Children’s Project, Shevestor Africa, Live Beats Crew, Ghetto Film Project and Raising Up Hope Uganda.
You can join in on the conversation on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtags #UnseenMeExhibition18 and #AMothersLoveUg2018.