10 Apps That Can Help You Boost Your Startup Income - Newslibre

These 10 Apps Will Help You Boost Your Startup Income, Find Out How

Technology is becoming more and more vital, be it in business or life. Take gambling, for instance: in the US, only five states allow individuals to create their gambling websites. Tough luck to anyone that lives outside these states. 

However, did you know that you can still make money on gambling sites and apps through advertising networks regardless of your location? All you need to do is develop your website and become an affiliate in an online casino of your choice. 

Work on promoting the online casino’s products, and every time you get a visitor, you get a chance to make some money. This brings us to one significant technological trend that provides a productive way to make more money: mobile apps.

By and large, while the best apps do promise to provide you opportunities to make money for your business, the journey will not be an easy one. But this also means reasonable effort will help you boost your income significantly.

With that in mind, here are ten apps to consider for your startup business.

10 Apps To Boost Your Startup Income

1. HubSpot CRM App

One of your most significant concerns with every startup business is ensuring you get clients because they are your source of revenue. The good news is that the HubSpot CRM is a business app that will help you manage the relationship with your clients from any side of the world. 

How? HubSpot is a customer relationship management tool that monitors all your clients. It then works to support all the views or fields your customers mention. Additionally, it uses third-party sources to get your customer’s contact information.

The app then integrates the contact info of each client with their email accounts to provide you with an automatic log-in system whenever your business corresponds with the client. As a result, your relationship management process becomes fast and straightforward.

2. Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator

Once you start searching for clients, your next responsibility will be to find a way to charge your hourly rate. This can be a tricky endeavour, especially if you are a startup with little or no social proof or reviews to back your capabilities.

This is where the freelance hourly rate calculator app comes in. It perfectly does all the calculations for you and determines the amount you should charge your clients every hour. The best part is that the app will do the analysis based on your desired annual income.

3. Vantage

You have clients, you have your hourly rate, but you still have your business to think about, especially regarding taxes and the financial costs of running a business. Most people rely on a professional to help them navigate such hurdles.

But because you are starting a new business, you need an option that will save you money, time, and stress. Vantage is a business banking app that will do precisely that for you by collecting your financial data and analyzing and monitoring financial situations.

You can also optimize your expenses, invoices using the business books in the app.

4. Toggle

After you’ve agreed on a working schedule with your clients, you’ll need a mobile tracking app to help you count your working hours. Toggle allows you to time your desktop and mobile working activities so that you can keep track of your productivity.

Toggle is easy to use, and the reports you’ll get make it easy to analyze your productivity. But the best part about the app is that it is free to use for a team of five people.

5. Tomato Timer

Concerning productivity apps for startups, Tomato Timer will ensure you manage your time efficiently. While it is not technically an app, it is an online stopwatch that lets you work for 25 minutes, after which you take a 5-minute break before you can work for another 25 minutes.

The stopwatch is called Tomato because these working intervals are known as pomodoros, the Italian name for tomatoes. The intervals are proven to be a simple and easy to maintain method to boost productivity.

6. Thingthing Keyboard

Thingthing Keyboard is another project management app that helps workers multitask on their smartphones. Tasks you can do on this app include attaching photos and documents, checking the calendar, writing emails, and chatting with clients.

The app acts as the shortcut between your services and mobile phone applications, making it easier to switch between tasks.

7. Changeholic

Some of the best app ideas are not yet created. For instance, the sharing economy is expected to grow by 2,133 percent in the next 12 years. This presents an opportunity for your business startup. Changeholic is an example of an app that can further boost the sharing economy.

Users can provide their items like toys, clothes, and electronic devices in exchange for other things they need the most without incurring any cost.

10 Apps That Can Help You Boost Your Startup Income - Newslibre
Image credit: Flickr

8. On-Demand Apps

Did you know that you can now find on-demand apps for any services you need? PayPal business app is an excellent example of a financial on-demand app that has revolutionized the movement of funds globally.

In the same way, you can use your technical skills to create an on-demand app that makes your customers’ lives more convenient. Expanding one good idea in this field will provide you with an excellent return on investment.

9. Business Bots

Excellent customer service and satisfaction is one factor that can guarantee you a positive return on investment. However, it might be costly for your startup to hire customer service representatives.

With that in mind, an excellent business card app can help provide your business with the ease of navigating your customers’ needs, especially with FAQs about your products or services and their costs. Therefore, business bots will offer your customers the extra needed interaction to boost your customer satisfaction.

10. Code School

To keep succeeding well into the future, you need to keep improving your skills. Code School is an affordable app that gives you access to courses that will help you keep your technology skills updated. It only costs $29 per month.


The digital environment is currently focusing intensely on app development. Why? People are spending at least 90 percent of their time on mobile apps. Therefore, the app industry is an excellent area of opportunity for many startup businesses.

So, find an idea that will simplify the manual work most people do, and you can be sure you will eventually get good sales traffic on your app. But don’t wait too long for someone else to snatch your idea.

Well, did these ten make you excited? If yes, what app will you adopt for your startup? We would love to hear from you.


Check out: 5 Tips to Choose the Right Content for Your Business


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